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My name is Deb "Little Luna" Gonzales. I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My maternal grandfather Manuel was born at the San Ildefonso Pueblo and was adopted by Spanish parents who raised him as a Catholic. My father's side is Native New Mexican as well and goes back many generations to the founding of the state. I feel this connection to the land and my spirit is a concoction of many influences. I've always been interested in creativity and inspiration in all it's forms. My undergraduate degree is in Religious Studies from Towson University, and I'm also a licensed Hairdresser. I got the name Little Luna as a burlesque performer and variety show producer when I was living in in Baltimore around the same time I started exploring the Tarot and various other methods of divination and creative meditation. I moved to New Orleans in 2012 where I conceptualized and co-produced the Snake Oil Festival in honor of the traditions of the sideshow and the unsung history of Snake Oil. Snake Oil, has been defined in popular narrative as a deceptive panacea, sold to an unsuspecting public. The truth is that the healing properties of Snake Oil were introduced by Chinese railroad workers and Natives in the American West who revered Snake medicine, which has since been proven by science to have anti-inflammatory and other curative properties. Unfortunately unscrupulous traveling salesmen watered these remedies down and gave Snake Oil a bad name, so I decided to highlight & reclaim this story. I'm no longer performing or producing shows but I kept the name Snake Oil and I have been professionally reading and studying the art of reading Tarot and Mah Jongg for over 11 years now and it seems as though this path is just beginning for me. Since moving to New Orleans, I've done countless readings for private clients, as well as weddings, birthday parties, music shows, corporate events and fundraisers, from Voodoo Fest to Jackson Square, if you're looking for a fun and accurate reading contact me for more information.
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